labour demand中文什么意思

发音:   用"labour demand"造句
  • labour:    n. 1.劳动。 2.努力,苦干。 ...
  • demand:    vt. 1.要求,请求;需要。 2. ...
  • labour at:    孜孜不倦地学或写,苦干
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  1. However , the way of labour demanding behavior is decided by system environment and labour resource arrangement
  2. This represented the full compliance with the timeliness requirement of the imf s sdds . the c & sd had compiled the 1999 - based manpower requirement projection by economic sector to project labour demand by industry
  3. The surplus of labour supply over labour demand became more distinct in the latter part of 1998 , when total employment registered a decrease and vacancies fell substantially across the board consequential to the downturn in the economy
  4. The step of economic development in yanbian would be quickened only depending on correct understanding of die contradiction between them , carrying out the strategy of " employment first , putting forward the reform of employment system , increasing the labour demands , and promoting the overall qualities of labour force
  5. Findings have it that people who reported higher levels of resilience , more work life balance , higher levels of job satisfaction and safety performance , and engaged in more leisure activities , would show higher levels of iga . conversely , the participants who scored higher in emotional labour demands , work family demands and absenteeism showed lower levels of iga


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